Friday, October 05, 2007


Meredith mentioned sumthing about addiction last nite
and i qoute
" In the hospital, we see addiction everyday. It's shocking how many kind of addiction exist. It would be too easy if it's just drugs, booze or cigarette. I think the hardest part of kicking a habit is wanting to kick it. I mean we get addicted for a reason, right? Often, too often things that start out as just normal part of your life cross the line to obsessive, compulsive, out of control. It's the high we're chasing, the high that makes everything else fade away "
" The thing about addiction is it never ends well. Because eventually whatever it is that was getting us high stops feeling good and starts to hurt. Still, they say you don't kick the habit until you hit rock bottom. But how do you know when you are there? Because no matter how badly the thing is hurting us, sometimes letting it go hurts even worse "
oh how true
Deborah Chan says
n i qoute
" See, here’s the thing: anything can be addictive. And it’s not always easy to spot when something slips down that slippery slope from experiment to habit to addiction. Derek and Meredith thought they’d ended it. Cold turkey. White knuckle. Over. So over. Well, it wasn’t totally over. There was a bit of a hang-over. A little no-strings-attached sex. Just for old times sake. No harm, no foul. But the thing is, there is harm. Derek doesn’t like it. He wants to talk. He wants to sleep over. He wants lunch, with the woman he loved, or loves, or has some impossible to define love related interaction with. He’s settling for just the sex, cause that’s all she’s willing to indulge. But that’s only hurting him. It’s just enough of the drug to keep him hooked. Never enough to satisfy him, only enough to make him want more. And he knows. He knows he’s got a problem, but he can’t walk away "
poor Derek~
p/s:the rest of Deborah Chan's piece of mind is here

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